
Simple methods for creating user interfaces using JavaScript have become more and more popular over time. Facebook created the open-source JavaScript package React, often known as React.js, which is used to create user interfaces or UI components.

Of course, there are more UI libraries besides React. For creating interfaces from reusable components, Preact, Vue, Angular, Svelte, Lit, and many more are excellent options. Since we will be utilising React to walk through some of the design, rendering, and performance patterns in this tutorial, it is worthwhile to have a look at how it operates considering its popularity.

React Tutorial

The most common context in which front-end engineers discuss code is in relation to creating web interfaces. Additionally, we think of interface composition in terms of elements such as navigation, lists, buttons, and the like. Interfaces can be expressed in these elements more efficiently and simply with React. By dividing your interface into three main ideas—components, props, and state—it also makes it easier to create intricate and challenging interfaces.

React can seamlessly map to the components of your design system because it is composition-focused. In other words, developing for React essentially promotes modular thinking. It enables you to completely comprehend the breadth and purpose of each component by allowing you to design them separately before assembling a page or view—a procedure known as  referred to as componentization.